Valid for 2 adults and 1 or 2 young up to 17 years of age. Valid for 15 days. In order to visit the Scrovegni Chapel 1 euro per person should be added as reservation fee.
Free admission to: Eremitani Civic Museum, Zuckermann Palace, Palace of Reason, Loggia and Odeo Cornaro, Oratorio di San Michele, Oratorio di San Rocco, Loggia and Odeo Cornaro, Pedrocchi Noble Floor, Petrarch's House in Arquà Petrarca. The card is valid for 15 days from the activation date.
The Family Card can be downloaded in electronic format or collected at the ticket office of the Eremitani Civic Museum. The 15 days of validity start at the time of first entry into one of the included sites.
It is advisable to arrive at least half an hour prior to the Scrovegni Chapel entry time.